Tech foutraque #3
This week in tech, Some interesting topic : Apple Vision Pro, artistic QR Codes, Google training on Generative AI and a course for free by figma...
🎨 Frontend
⚡ Webperf
WebPerf Snippets | A curated list of snippets to get Web Performance metrics
Investigating the impact of HTTP3 on network latency for search (by Dropbox)
3 ways to find your worst JavaScript offenders for page load
🤖 Ai
📱 UX / UI
🔋 Misc
Data Center Fires: A Detailed Breakdown with 19 Examples (shared by _Nidouille_ on twitter)
Twitter and Reddit's high-priced APIs are bad news for the internet's future
Demystifying Domain-Driven Design (DDD) in Modern Software Architecture
👾 Tutorials
Free course by Figma : Introduction to design systems
🔧 Tools
Engineer-manager | A list of engineering leadership resource links
VueHooks Plus | High performance & Simplicity Vue3 Hooks library
ReactPy | A library for building user interfaces in Python without Javascript
algolia autocomplete | A JavaScript library that lets you quickly build autocomplete experiences
📼 Videos
Google Search Central | English Google SEO office-hours from June 2023
What is Platform Engineering and how it fits into DevOps and Cloud world
Chrome DevTools Tips – Styles Pane & Elements Panel (by CSS Weekly)