Tech foutraque #9 | Frontend newsletter
This weeks, fewer ressources but more fun and Angular 🎉
🎨 Frontend news and more...
Designing Accessible Text Over Images: Best Practices, Techniques, And Resources
Effective JavaScript Error Handling for More Reliable and Robust Applications
Writing CSS In 2023: Is It Any Different Than A Few Years Ago?
Modern Architectures with Angular – Part 1: Strategic Design with Sheriff and Standalone Components
Building and operating a pretty big storage system called S3
⚡ Web performances
📱 UX / UI
🔋 Misc
👾 Tutorials
Super GitHub Pages: budget frontend staging, with Storybook and more
Build a drag and drop Kanban Board with React, Typescript, Tailwind, Dnd-Kit
🔧 Tools & ressources
Continue: ⏩ a VS Code extension that brings the power of ChatGPT to your IDE
Vite-react-boilerplate: A production ready, scalable starter template for Vite + React
Enquirer: Stylish, intuitive and user-friendly prompts, for Node.js